Practical Project Management: Mastering The Project Life Cycle

Understanding the project lifecycle is essential for structuring work and making it manageable. A project life cycle comprises various phases, each representing a collection of logically related activities that culminate in specific deliverables. These phases, such as initiation, planning, development, and testing, require different expertise and processes. For instance, while the architecture design phase demands input from engineers and architects, the construction phase involves builders and suppliers. The combination of all necessary phases from start to finish constitutes the project life cycle. These phases can follow a strict sequence, overlap, or run in parallel and depending on the project’s scope, they might not always be clearly separated. It’s up to the project manager to decide which phases to include, though most industries have established life cycles that organizations typically follow.

Project Lifecycle Stages

It’s important to note that while project management principles are largely universal across industries, project managers often specialize within a particular niche due to the efficiency gained through experience. Transitioning between industries can be challenging, even for experienced managers, though switching within a niche is more feasible. Consequently, project managers may spend much of their careers working within the same life cycle, emphasizing the need to understand the typical cycles within their industry. This understanding helps make projects predictable, as similar projects follow established cycles, providing clear expectations and planning strategies.

There are several benefits to dividing a project into phases. First, it makes complex projects more manageable by breaking them down into smaller, more tangible sub-projects. Second, it allows for the separation of work that requires different expertise and processes, ensuring that each phase is handled by the right people with the right tools. Third, understanding the project life cycle enables better resource allocation and cost management, as different phases require varying levels of effort and expenditure. Fourth, creating project checkpoints at the end of each phase allows for reassessment of the project’s viability, ensuring resources are not wasted on unfeasible goals. Finally, it reduces the cost of changes by addressing potential issues early on, when adjustments are less expensive and disruptive.

A successful project manager must have a clear understanding of the project life cycle, continuously improve their knowledge of the industry and manage the phases of a project effectively. This involves knowing the required work, the necessary expertise, the sequence of tasks, and the best practices for managing different types of work. By focusing on one or two life cycles at a time, project managers can build expertise and drive successful project outcomes.

The life cycle of a large project consists of several distinct phases that produce specific deliverables, which make them easier to visualize. However, the names and structure of these phases can vary between organizations, and should not be confused with process groups. The five project management process groups outlined by the PMI—initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing—are distinct from project phases but apply to each phase within a project. Essentially, each phase of a large project can be treated as a sub-project that follows its own set of process groups, scaling project management efforts to the needs of each phase.

Large projects often have a sequential life cycle, where phases follow one another in strict order, although in real-world scenarios, phases may overlap. The life cycle is typically plan-driven, though adjustments can be made, if necessary, especially if critical issues arise during the project. While small projects may seem like a mess of activities due to overlapping phases, it’s recommended to assume that all phases are present and have clear exit criteria before moving forward.

Examples of life cycles in different industries illustrate how they can be tailored to specific needs. For instance, the software development life cycle includes phases such as pre-sales, initiation, concept development, planning, and deployment, among others. Each phase requires detailed work, from defining goals and gathering requirements to developing technical designs, coding, testing, and eventually deploying the final product. A similar structured approach applies to construction projects, though the specifics of the phases differ based on the industry.

Agile frameworks like Scrum or Kanban can be integrated into the life cycle of a project, particularly in industries like software development and telecommunications. While these frameworks offer flexibility and allow for rapid changes, they are not suitable for all phases of a project. A hybrid approach, combining plan-driven and agile phases, is often more effective, allowing for a balance between structured planning and adaptability during execution.

Project Lifecycle Example: New Mobile App


The initiation phase would involve identifying the project’s objectives, the scope, and potential risks. Key stakeholders, such as the product manager, development team, and marketing department, would be identified. A project charter might be created, outlining the business case for the app, the expected benefits, and any constraints or assumptions.


Once the project is approved, the planning phase begins. In this phase, detailed project plans are developed, focusing on timelines, resources, and costs. For the mobile app project, this could include developing a project plan with tasks and milestones, creating a budget, and establishing a timeline for each phase of development. The project manager might use tools like Gantt charts to map out tasks and dependencies. Additionally, a risk management plan would be developed, identifying potential risks such as delays in app development or issues with third-party integrations, and strategies for mitigating those risks. This phase aims to ensure that all team members understand their roles and responsibilities, and that the project is set up for success.


This would involve the design and development teams working together to create the app. User stories might be developed to guide the app’s features, and regular meetings, such as daily stand-ups, could be held to track progress and address any issues. As development progresses, the app might be tested by a quality assurance (QA) team to identify and fix bugs. The marketing team would also begin developing a go-to-market strategy, including promotional materials and a launch plan. Throughout this phase, the project manager monitors progress, manages resources, and communicates with stakeholders to ensure the project stays on track.

Monitoring and Controlling

While the project is being executed, it is essential to continuously monitor and control its progress to ensure it stays aligned with the plan. For the mobile app project, the project manager would track the team’s progress against the project plan, ensuring that tasks are completed on time and within budget. Any deviations from the plan, such as delays in development or unexpected costs, would be addressed through corrective actions. This phase might involve performance reporting, risk management updates, and quality checks to ensure the app meets the specified requirements. Regular status updates to stakeholders keep everyone informed of the project’s progress and any necessary changes.


This would involve finalizing all project activities, such as completing the development, conducting final tests, and ensuring the app is ready for launch. A post-mortem review might be conducted to analyze what went well and what could be improved in future projects. All project documentation, including the project plan, risk management plan, and lessons learned, would be archived. The project manager would also ensure that any remaining project tasks, such as post-launch support or maintenance plans, are transitioned to the appropriate teams. The project is officially closed when all objectives have been met, and the app is successfully launched.